All Are Welcome to Worship at Mars Hill UMC

Every Child of God without Exception
Online or In-person at 9:45 am

Mars Hill United Methodist Church welcomes every child of God without exception. We welcome and celebrate into full fellowship persons of every race, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender, culture, nationality, creed, faith, mental illness and physical disability, addiction, marital status, or family make-up. We welcome the full participation of all persons in every phase of church life “Here, all means ALL!”

Worship alongside us online.

Heath Nettles Heath Nettles

December 24, 2023

Fourth Sunday of Advent / Christmas Eve
A Service of Scripture and Song

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Welcome to Mars Hill United Methodist Church!

If you are new to our community, you are welcome here! Mars Hill United Methodist Church welcomes every child of God without exception. We welcome and celebrate into the full fellowship persons of every race, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender, culture, nationality, creed, faith, mental illness and physical disability, addiction, marital status, or family make-up. We invite you to join us for church on Sunday!

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