Reflections from the Music Director

By Dr. Joel Reed, Director of Music, Mars Hill United Methodist Church

Please allow me a moment to reflect and give my thanks and appreciation for the musicians in our church. I am so grateful for each one who has a part in our weekly offerings of music for worship.

Patty Higgins

Everyone knows already what a gem we have! She does it all! She spends endless hours practicing for our services and assisting with the bulletin preparation. Behind the scenes, she keeps us all organized and running smoothly. Patty and I have worked together in three different churches for a total of over 33 years. Every day I’m thankful to have her as my friend and colleague and for all she does to make this work run smoothly.

Lucy Butterworth and The Handbell Choir

As a member of the group, I am grateful for all who faithfully attend and do the regular work of rehearsal and performance preparation. Each time we meet, members assist in the half-hour process of moving tables, pads, bell cases, music stands, folders, etc. Each week, members polish and care for the bells, now valued at around $35,000. Sadly, we are losing one of the most faithful members of our Handbell Choir, Mr. Dillon Beck, as he is leaving for his newest college experience at UNC Charlotte. I heard this week that he has been a member of the choir since he was 10 years old—What a legacy! We will miss him greatly but wish him the best in his new challenges ahead. Hopefully, he can find a new place of service to use these musical skills and talents. Thank you, Dillon!

Chip & Cindy Hayden and Carol Kinsey

These friends add unique experiences for us on a regular basis through their music. Each is gifted with great singing voices as well as their enviable instrumental skills. They are always planning ahead for their next singing opportunity and always inspire us with their work. A kudos to Chip for keeping our sound system in working order!!!

The Choir

The pandemic has hit the Choir the hardest. Ensemble singing was ruled unhealthy from the beginning, and though we had just returned to rehearing and singing for the services, we are now in another “down” season until the most recent COVID strain settles down. Through hard work and dedication, these faithful folks helped us produce an unbelievable choral sound for our services. With the help of several Mars Hill University students, we had grown to around 20 singers! The pandemic has taken its toll as most of these students have now graduated. We DO still retain the service of our two most faithful students, actually former students, Alex and Brooke.

Alex Ngamhuy

Alex Ngamhuy has graduated with a Bachelor of Music degree in Music Education and, in addition to assisting us, is the Music Director at Bright Hope Laurel United Methodist Church. He is the Voice and Piano teacher at Jim Beaver’s School of Music in Brevard and is Marketing Coordinator for The Eagles Nest Foundation. Alex’s new wife, Sydney, is employed by The Eagles Nest Foundation as a teacher in The Outdoor Academy.

Brooke Reyes

Brooke Reyes has also graduated from the university with a Bachelor of Music degree in Music Education and is beginning her second year as the choral music teacher at Cane River Middle School in Asheville. In addition to helping us, she sings with one of The Land of the Sky Barbershop ensembles and is a member of the waitstaff at The Veranda in Black Mountain.

Both Brooke and Alex have been dedicated to this church for over four years and rehearse weekly to prepare their solos for our services. During our on-line only services, they added an invaluable quality to these services for our members and visitors to the website.

As a side note, our church was allowed recently to purchase the choral library from Biltmore United Methodist Church in Asheville, where Patty and I had worked previously. This library is stored on the shelving in our music office and allows us a wealth of music for the future. The Choir robes that we now wear for worship were given to us from Biltmore church. Hopefully, the Choir can get back together soon to make music come alive for us all. Drop by the office to see our new library and robe storage!!!

As your Director of Music, I remain committed to Mars Hill United Methodist Church and its music program as we strive to enhance the worship experience each week. Each of us should be very thankful and proud of our musicians and our music program! As you have opportunity, please thank each of these dedicated and talented members of our church who work diligently to give God the Glory through their work.

Dr. Joel F. Reed is Music Director at Mars Hill United Methodist Church. He leads the Southern Appalachian Chamber Singers. In addition to leading music at churches across our region, Dr. Reed taught music, chairing the music department, at Mars Hill University. He retired from the University in 2018 after more than 33 years of teaching.

On the afternoon of Sunday, June 6, 2021 Mars Hill United Methodist Church offered a live, in-person performance of musical offerings from our more than year-long season of online worship. The free concert included musicians from our choir, handbell choir and students at Mars Hill University. We appreciate and celebrate the gift of music and ministry these individuals provided while we offered online worship only.


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