A Resource from WNC Conference’s Bishop Carter About Misinformation in The UMC

A message from Bishop Carter: "There is misinformation about what the ongoing and future United Methodist Church believes. Some of this misinformation is being shared in local churches.

If we do not tell our story, others will construct a story about us, in this instance a false witness about the UMC. This is a violation of the 9th Commandment.

This statement was overwhelmingly affirmed by the Council of Bishops last fall, and had enthusiastic affirmation from bishops on each continent. I had the honor of convening the writing team, and it went through several revisions. It is at the heart of the #BeUMC initiative. It expresses a deep and wide consensus rooted in our scriptures and doctrinal standards, it describes United Methodists I’ve known and served across my pastoral ministry, and it is a direct response to the misinformation and false witness.

If you are a pastor in a local church, or a lay leader, I invite you to share this statement. Do not underestimate the power of your own witness to the beautiful, compassionate and inclusive love of God in Jesus Christ. This is the cross and the flame. This is our story. This is our song."

A Narrative for the Continuing United Methodist Church United

Methodists all over the globe are liturgical, contemporary, charismatic, social activists, urban, suburban, small town, rural and much more. We are children, youth, young adults, senior adults, new Christians, and mature Christians. We are present on four continents, in more than 45 countries, and we comprise an unknown number of cultures and languages. We are a holy communion of different races, ethnicities, cultures, and perspectives united by the Holy Spirit, driven by the mission of Christ, and bearing the good news of an unmerited grace that changes lives and transforms communities.

Christ’s prayer for our unity and command to gather all to the table, to make space for one another, appreciate one another, and look for Christ in each other, prohibit us from creating individual tables only for those who think, act, look, and perceive the world like we do. We cannot be a church that fractures its identity and commitment to Christ by aligning itself with political parties. We cannot be a traditional church or a progressive church or a centrist church. We cannot be a gay or straight church. Our churches must be more than echo chambers made in our own image arguing with each other while neglecting our central purpose. This is the way of the world.

Instead, we must be one people, rooted in scripture, centered in Christ, serving in love and united in the essentials. It is hard work. It is sacred work. It is the ministry of reconciliation that Christ gave to each of us. Our best witness is to love each other as Christ loves us, to show the world the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit to bind us together despite our differences. This is living out the gospel.

We are a church:

  • Confident in what God has done in Christ Jesus for all humankind

  • Committed to personal and social salvation/transformation

  • Courageous in dismantling the powers of racism, tribalism, and colonialism

All of our members, clergy, local churches, and annual conferences will continue to have a home in the future United Methodist Church, whether they consider themselves liberal, evangelical, progressive, traditionalist, middle of the road, conservative, centrist, or something else. We hold on to our Wesleyan heritage that “the living core of the Christian faith is revealed in Scripture, illuminated by tradition, vivified in personal experience, and confirmed by reason”.

We are longing for a United Methodist Church that will move towards new forms of being a connectional church, a General Conference focused on global essentials, and an empowerment of regions for contextually relevant forms of living our common mission mandate. Deeply rooted in the Doctrinal Standards of the UMC, we pledge to exercise our episcopal role in ways that enable as many United Methodists, lay and clergy, as are willing to remain in the UMC and – together – to continue in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. And, because we are part of the Church Universal, we seek to be united visibly and in ministries with other parts of the Body of Christ in God’s mission for the human family and creation.

We are committed to strengthening every local church, where the word is preached and Christ is offered, and where the table is set before all who hunger and thirst for righteousness, confident in the prayer we have learned to say and share:

  • Make us one with Christ—this is faithfulness.

  • Make us one with each other—this is unity.

  • Make us one in ministry to all the world—this is fruitfulness.

This is the United Methodist Church we love and serve!

Council of Bishops The United Methodist Church
November 4, 2021


Photo Album: August Visit to Meadowsweet Creamery, Mars Hill’s Ice Cream Shop


Reflections from the Music Director