Pastor’s Reflection - Seeing Need

Much of the ministry work that Jesus did was meeting the need at hand. His boat docked and he was moved with compassion to teach and feed the huge crowd that had gathered. When he encountered the bent- over woman, he healed her that she could stand up straight.

He asked the immobile man do you want to be made well and then met the need. Part of our call as those who follow Jesus is to meet the need.

When COVID first hit we were all at a loss of how to do church. We scrambled to figure out how to move forward and keep doing church. Marilou was one of the people who stepped forward to meet the need of connection by starting to produce this newsletter. How beautiful it is to see how people can reach out when a need arises, and we have been so very blessed by his offering. She will continue to serve the church in many ways but will be stepping back from being the producer of the newsletter. I am very grateful for her service in all its iterations, especially for this work on the newsletter.

Where are you seeing need in the church and in the world?

  • Where is God nudging your heart and moving you with compassion?

  • Where is your calling connecting with the need in the world?

  • If you would like to talk through how you are feeling this, or need help finding a way to connect, please know I'm available.

Peace and love,



Reflections from the Music Director


Annual Back to School Supply Drive