Carolina Mountain Reconciling Grop

A gathering place for Reconciling United Methodists in the Mountains Area of Western North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church.

Carolina Mountain Reconciling Group

Reconciling Ministries Worship at Annual Conference

Friday, June 21
8:30 pm
Memorial Chapel

A favorite at Annual Conference, join us for Reconciling Ministries’ special service of lament and thanksgiving at the 2024 Annual Conference of the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church.

Photo Album: Blue Ridge Pride Festival & Welcome Procession

On Saturday, September 24, 2022, several United Methodist congregations joined other faith groups at the annual Blue Ridge Pride Festival in Asheville. Participants marched in the Welcome Procession and connected with Festival attendees at a booth.

The most common expression was gratitude - gratefulness for being visible, being present and for displaying God’s love for ALL. United Methodists and others were excited to see there were churches welcoming, celebrating and affirming everyone without exception. 

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