September 18, 2022

Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost

Enhance your online worship experience

Whether you’re a first-time online visitor or a life-long member, we welcome and celebrate the ways you enrich our collective worship of a scattered yet gathered Children of God. As we begin our service, we invite you to light a candle, just as we do in the prelude during our in-person worship. Our two altar candles symbolize that Christ was both a human being and God. A light being carried into the world shows that Jesus Christ is for all people - everywhere. Just as a the acolyte carries the lighted candlelight into the congregation, the light symbolizes the light of Jesus Christ preceding us into the world where we as the church are to serve.


Chimes of the Trinity


Lord of All Hopefulness               arr. Ben Logan
Words in TFWS# 2197

Welcome and Announcements 

Rev. Wiley Cooper

Call to Worship

Inspired by Mark 6: 1-13

One:  The prophets of old spoke of God’s justice, even when it was unwelcomed. Who will hear their message?
Many:  We will listen, and we will hear!
One:  Responding to God’s call, Jesus traveled, preaching, and teaching all who would listen.  Who will hear his message?
Many:  We will listen, and we will hear!
One:  Christ sent out disciples two by two, to spread the good news in any place that would welcome them. Who will hear their message?
Many:  We will listen, and we will hear!
One:  God’s prophets are among us still, around the world and in these pews. Who will hear their message?
Many:  We will listen, and we will hear!  +      


All People That on Earth Do Dwell UMH# 75

Concerns & Prayers with the Lord’s Prayer

Rev. Wiley Cooper UMH# 895

A Reading from the Old Testament

Psalm 119:145-149


So Art Thou to Me           K. Lee Scott
Alex Ngamhuy

A Reading from the Gospels

Matthew 6:6-8 and Mark 6:6-8, 30-31


Finding Your All-day Prayer Closet
Mr. Jonathan McCoy

Blessing of the Tithes and Offerings

Doxology    UMH# 94   

Closing Hymn

Jesus Calls Us UMH# 398 


     To God Be the Glory       arr. Edwin Cole Spencer

Today’s Worship Participants

Our Pastor: Rev. Lisa Hartzog
Preaching: Mr. Jonathan McCoy
Music Director: Dr. Joel Reed
Pianist: Patty Higgins
Liturgist: Carol Kinsey
Handbell Director: Lucy Butterworth
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Wiley Cooper

This Sunday, we are pleased welcome Jonathan McCoy to Mars Hill United Methodist Church . Mr. McCoy is Mars Hill University’s Director of the Center for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and teaches U.S. history, North Carolina history, and Geography. A Mars Hill University alumnus (1992), Mr. McCoy taught social studies in the Wake County Public School system for 24 years. During his studies at Mars Hill, he was the first African American elected as SGA President. Mr. McCoy attended Mars Hill on a football scholarship and was a four-year letterman.

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September 25, 2022


September 11, 2022