July 17, 2022

Sixth Sunday After Pentecost

Enhance your online worship experience

Whether you’re a first-time online visitor or a life-long member, we welcome and celebrate the ways you enrich our collective worship of a scattered yet gathered Children of God. As we begin our service, we invite you to light a candle, just as we do in the prelude during our in-person worship. Our two altar candles symbolize that Christ was both a human being and God. A light being carried into the world shows that Jesus Christ is for all people - everywhere. Just as a the acolyte carries the lighted candlelight into the congregation, the light symbolizes the light of Jesus Christ preceding us into the world where we as the church are to serve.


The Chiming of the Trinity


Of the Father’s Love Begotten         arr. Thomas Berdos

Welcome and Announcements 

Call to Worship

 Led by ohn Jalocha

One:  From across the sands of the desert came the still, small voice.
Many:  Gentle Wind, Breath of God, Holy Spirit
One:  The Voice found home in the Prophets, “thus says the Lord.”
Many: Let my people go.(Exodus 9:1)
Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. (Amos 5:24)
Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God
. (Micah 6:8)
One:  The Voice came among us in the flesh.
Many:  Just as I have loved you, so you should love one another. (John 13:34)
One:  As we worship today, the Voice grows within us
Many:  in our praying, in our singing, in our telling.
One:  Speak, Lord, for we, your people, are listening. 

Opening Hymn

  Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise            UMH# 103  

Concerns & Prayers with the Lord’s Prayer

Rev. Lisa Hartzog UMH# 895


Peace in Our Hearts       Eliza Gilkyson
Carol Kinsey, Cindy Fulton, and Chip Hayden

A Reading from the Epistles

Colossians 1:15-28


The Lone, Wild Bird           PROSPECT
Carol Kinsey

A Reading from the Old Testament

Amos 8:1-12


 Truth, Justice, and the Prophetic Way | Rev. Lisa Hartzog

Prayer of Confession & Assurance of Pardon

Know without doubt that God's love and grace are greater than we can fathom. God does not leave us orphaned. We are forgiven and empowered to live the abundant life we are called to. In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven and made new.
In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven and made new.
Thanks be to God.

Blessing of the Tithes and Offerings

Doxology    UMH# 94


  What Does the Lord Require           UMH# 441 

Dismissal with Blessing


   Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation    arr. Anne Krentz Organ

Today’s Worship Participants

Our Pastor: Rev. Lisa Hartzog
Music Director: Dr. Joel Reed
Pianist: Patty Higgins
Handbell Director: Lucy Butterworth
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Wiley Cooper

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July 24, 2022


July 10, 2022