Pastor's Reflection - Preparing for Lent 2022

On March 2, we enter the season of Lent. This is the time of the Christian year when we prepare for the Celebration of Easter. It is a season of repentance and renewal where Christians have traditionally given more focus to their faith journey. Often people have given something up that they enjoy in order to be reminded of what Jesus gave up for us all.

As we approach this holy season of preparation, I have a slightly different question for you to consider: What you would like to receive from God? What increased faith could you dream of having? What obstacles continue to get in your way that you would dream of removing? Do you want to fall in love (or more in love) with God as a focus of your life? What could you hope for during this miraculous time?

When you can answer that question, now think about how you can set your focus toward that goal during this season. Giving up something you regularly enjoy can be a way of reminding yourself daily of your goal. So, could take on a new habit, a regimented time of prayer or meditation where you focus on your desire. Or maybe there is a practice that could help remove obstacles in your life. If you desire a partner in your discernment, I’m available, just let me know.

On Ash Wednesday there will be two options of worship services where you could begin your journey toward your goal. At noon in Broyhill Chapel, Mars Hill University campus, there will be an ecumenical service. Or you could come at 7 pm to Bright Hope Laurel UMC. However, a worship service is not necessary to begin your time. There will also be an opportunity throughout Lent for a Wednesday night gathering where we can journey together this Lent, 6 pm March 9th- April 13th in the Fellowship Hall.

Let us journey together this Lent to a closer relationship with the one who is the source of all love!

Peace, Lisa


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