❤️ Mt. Olive Cemetery - Our February Mission of the Month

February’s Mission of the Month is Mt. Olive Cemetery, established in 1936 on land adjacent to the Mars Hill Anderson Rosenwald School. African American families that have made significant contributions to the community have buried their beloved family members there, including Joseph Anderson’s descendants, Viola King Barnette's descendants, and numerous military veterans.

How to Support the Mt. Olive Cemetery

Financial gifts designated for the cemetery support the maintenance and improvement of the cemetery and its surroundings. You may make your check payable to Mars Hill UMC and write Mt. Olive Cemetery on the memo line.

Contributions of baked desserts, bread, or soup are needed on Tuesday, February 18, for the annual Soup Supper Fundraiser for the Cemetery, 4:30 - 7 p.m. at Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church. Sign up today indicating your contribution!

A Historic Cemetery in Mars Hill’s Long Ridge Community

Established in 1936, Mt. Olive Cemetery located in Mars Hill’s Long Ridge Community and near the Anderson Rosenwald School. African-American families that have made significant contributions to the community have buried their beloved family members there, including Joseph Anderson’s descendants, Viola King Barnette's descendants, and numerous military veterans.

Founded in 1936, the Cemetery was purchased from the County School Board and is adjacent to the Historic Anderson-Rosenwald School. Among those buried there are the decedents of Mr. Joseph Anderson, who was one of the founders of Mars Hill University and Ms. Viola King Barnette, whose letter to the State School Board Superintendent was responsible for ensuring that all children across the state could receive a public secondary education.


📖 Lenten Book Study: Tuesdays Beginning March 4


💌 Annual Valentine’s Day Luncheon: Coming Feb. 11