πŸ“– Lenten Book Study: Tuesdays Beginning March 4

Tuesdays during Lent at 11 am or 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall

The cover of the reading for our Lenten Book Study - Tuesdays at 11 am or 6 pm

More than ever, Walter Wink believes the Christian tradition of nonviolence is needed as an alternative to the dominant and death-dealing β€œpowers” of our consumerist culture and fractured World.

In this small book, Wink offers a precis of his whole thinking about this issue, including the relevation of Jesus and his message to politics and nonviolence, the history of nonviolent efforts and how nonviolence can win the day when others don’t hesitate to resort to violence or terror to achieve their aims.

Books can be purchased new or used from your favorite source for books.

πŸ“… Tuesdays During Lent

Beginning March 4
11 am or 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall


πŸ“· Photo Album: A Heartfelt Thank You for Supporting the Third Annual Soup Supper Benefiting the Mt. Olive Cemetery


❀️ Mt. Olive Cemetery - Our February Mission of the Month