Love and Serve Your Neighbors This Season: Holiday Food Pantry

Our Adult Sunday School class is raising funds to purchase Christmas hams for the Food Pantry at our Sister United Methodist Congregation - Bright Hope Laurel United Methodist Church.

Located in the heart of rolling hills and breath-taking vistas of Western North Carolina’s Madison County, the Upper Laurel Food Pantry Program serves the 14% of the county, including 3,000 children, who are food insecure.

Every Saturday, snow or shine, year round, church volunteers staff the food pantry distributing food donated by church members, The Lord’s Harvest and others. Volunteers also deliver food to needy families throughout the county. We are blessed with a congregation unfailingly generous in helping to keep the panty well stocked.

Send us a message if you’d like to participate.


Make Room for Others This Season: Angel Tree Gifts


Photo Album: All Saints Sunday + Celebrating Our Handbell Director