๐Ÿฅฃ Second Annual Black History Month Fundraiser to Benefit Historic Mount Olive Cemetery on Feb. 7

The Madison County Racial Justice Coalition of which Mars Hill United Methodist Church is a proud partner will host its Second Annual Black History Month Fundraiser on Wednesday, February 7 to support the maintenance and beautification the the Long Ridge Communityโ€™s Historic Mount Olive Cemetery.

Soup Fundraiser to Benefit the Historic Mount Olive Cemetery
๐Ÿ—“๏ธ Wednesday, February 7, 2024

  • Takeout from 4:30 pm

  • Dine In beginning at 5 pm

๐Ÿ“Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church

40 Mount Olive Drive
Mars Hill, N.C.

About the Historic Mount Olive Cemetery

Founded in 1936, the Cemetery was purchased from the County School Board and is adjacent to the Historic Anderson-Rosenwald School. Among those buried there are the decedents of Mr. Joseph Anderson, who was one of the founders of Mars Hill University and Ms. Viola King Barnette, whose letter to the State School Board Superintendent was responsible for ensuring that all children across the state could receive a public secondary education.

Photos from the 2023 Soup[er] Fundraiser

In 2023, our church provided more than 10 desserts and supported the event in raising $3,290 for the project.


๐Ÿ‘ฉ Pastor, Parament Quilter to Highlight March Womenโ€™s Meeting


๐Ÿฅง Desserts Needed For February 7 Mount Olive Cemetery Fundraiser