A Thank You from the Preschool

In preparation for another successful school year, the teachers at Mars Hill United Methodist Church Preschool began a playground toy drive. Our church showed generosity by purchasing items form their wishlist. Below is a thank you from Ms. Denise and Ms. Janet.

On behalf of Janet and myself we want to thank each one of you for the playground equipment and classroom supplies. It means so much to us that you all wanted to help us have a great year. Our kids love the new things on the playground and without you guys they wouldn't have it. I am so thankful to be part of Mars Hill United Methodist Preschool.

With heartfelt thanks,

Denise and Janet

We pray for the preschool - students, teachers and families that they may have a meaningful, fun-filled school year.


Expressing God’s Love for ALL: Join Us at Blue Ridge Pride on September 30


The Apple Butter Festival Is Coming to Ebbs Chapel on September 23