July 23, 2023

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

July 23, 2023 Livestream Worship Online Bulletin


Chiming of the Trinity


 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee     arr. John CarterWelcome and Announcements

Call to Worship

We’ve come to worship God,
who loved us before we were yet born,
who knows us even better than we know ourselves,
whose presence never leaves us,
and whose love for us never ceases.
This is our God. Let’s worship together


Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah           UMH# 127

Children’s Message

Joys and Concerns and Prayers with The Lord’s Prayer    

UMH# 895

The Reading from the Epistles

Romans 8:12-25


Lord of the Starfields   Bruce Cockburn
Cindy Fulton and Chip Hayden

A Reading from the Gospel

Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43


Tending the Garden | Rev. Lisa Hartzog

Confession of Sin and Assurance of Pardon

Our God offers us miraculous growth so that we might bear fruit. God's judgment is here to move us toward that growth, toward abundant and joyous life. Trust in the joy God has planted in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven and made new.

In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven and made new. Thanks be to God.

Blessing of the Tithes and Offerings          

Make a Gift of a Tithe or Offering
| UMH# 94


Hymn of Promise           UMH# 707 


Love Divine, All Loves Excelling         arr. Sharon Wilson

Today’s worship participants

Our Pastor: Rev. Lisa Hartzog
Music Director: Dr. Joel Reed
Pianist: Patty Higgins

Make a Gift | Your Tithes & Offerings

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Mars Hill United Methodist Church
PO Box 427
Mars Hill, NC 28754

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July 30, 2023


July 16, 2023