February 9, 2025
Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
February 9, 2025 Livestream Worship Online Bulletin
Here I Am, Lord arr. John Carter
Call to Worship
Beloved, the Savior calls to you. Will you follow?
God, help us leave everything and follow.
Christ’s call persists through the clouds of doubt, fear, and worry that descend on our path. Will you follow?
God, help us leave everything and follow.
Jesus calls us to shift our priorities, to leave behind the baggage of prejudice and the grasping for position so we can truly love God and our neighbors well. Will you follow?
God, help us leave everything and follow.
Beloved, receive this good news: you are not alone! Today we answer Christ’s call together!
God, help us leave everything and follow your path of Love everywhere we go!
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty UMH#64
Reading from the Old Testament
Isaiah 6:1-13
Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me arr. K. Lee Scott
Psalm of Response
Psalm 138 UMH#853
Please sing the response
Reading from the Gospels
Luke 5:1-11
Companions for the Journey | Rev. Kelly Dotson
Rev. Paula Dempsey
Joys and Concerns and Prayers with The Lord’s Prayer
Loving God, in whom is heaven, may Your name be honored everywhere. May Your kin-dom come. May the desire of Your heart for the world be done, in us, by us and through us. Give us the bread we need for each day. Forgive us. Enable us to forgive others. Keep us from all anxiety and fear. For You reign in the power that comes from love which is Your glory forever and ever. Amen.
- Author Unknown
Blessing of the Tithes and Offerings
Make a Gift of a Tithe or Offering
Doxology UMH#94
The Servant Song TFWS#2222
Please sing stanzas 1, 3, 5, 6
Blessing and Sharing of Christ’s Light
Would I Have Answered When You Called arr. Maureen Giles
Words may be found in TFWS#2137
Tony Payne
Today’s worship participants
Our Pastor: Rev. Kelly Dotson
Music Director: Dr. Joel Reed
Worship Arts Associate: Patty Higgins
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PO Box 427
Mars Hill, NC 28754
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