August 25, 2024

Fourteenth Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Aug. 25, 2024 Livestream Worship Online Bulletin

Bringing in the Light of Christ
Chiming of the Trinity


   On the Wind of Spirit       Mark Hayes 


Rev. Kelly Dotson

Call to Worship

Whom do you seek here in this place?
We seek God, the Creator, who brought us to life.
Who has told you of God?
Jesus Christ, God’s Son, has shown us the love of God through his life.
Discipleship is difficult. Are you ready?
We want to be ready. Lord, strengthen and sustain us this day. AMEN.


Holy, Holy, Holy!  Lord God Almighty UMH# 64

A Reading from the Old Testament

Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18

Responsive Reading

 Psalm 34:15-22           UMH p.770


God, You Made This World a Garden  Richard W. Gieseke

Concerns and Prayers with the Lord’s Prayer  

UMH# 895


Break Thou the Bread of Life           UMH# 599

The Reading from the Gospels

 John 6:56-69


Should I stay or should I go?   | Rev. Kelly Dotson

Affirmation of Faith

I believe in God, the giver of grain and bread,
and in Jesus Christ, the bread of life broken for us,
and in the Holy Spirit, God's nourishing power in every grain and loaf.

I believe that Christ is to be leaven in us,
so that we may offer the bread of life
to the hungers of every human heart. +

Response to the Tithes & Offerings

Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow UMH# 94

Blessing of the Tithes & Offerings


This Is the Feast of Victory       UMH# 638
Please sing stanzas 1, 3, 4, and final antiphon

Blessing and Sharing of Christ’s Light


  Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus   arr. James Koerts

Announcements & Opportunities for the Week

Jo Ann Croom

Today’s worship participants

Our Pastor: Rev. Kelly Dotson
Music Director: Dr. Joel Reed
Worship Arts Associate: Patty Higgins

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PO Box 427
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September 1, 2024


August 18, 2024