April 14, 2022

Holy/Maundy Thursday

Enhance your online worship experience

Whether you’re a first-time online visitor or a life-long member, we welcome and celebrate the ways you enrich our collective worship of a scattered yet gathered Children of God. As we begin our service, we invite you to light a candle, just as we do in the prelude during our in-person worship. Our two altar candles symbolize that Christ was both a human being and God. A light being carried into the world shows that Jesus Christ is for all people - everywhere. Just as a the acolyte carries the lighted candlelight into the congregation, the light symbolizes the light of Jesus Christ preceding us into the world where we as the church are to serve.

The Chiming of the Trinity


 Sacred Head, Now Wounded | arr. James Koerts

Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship

Inspired by John 13, 1 Corinthians 11, Exodus 12

One:  A table is set before us. A feast is prepared for us.
Many:  A meal of bread and wine, of meat and bitter herbs.
One:  The Lord calls us to this supper of remembrance.
Many:  The Lord calls us to serve and to be served.
One:  As we break the bread and share the cup,
Many:  our understanding may fail us.
One:  But we will never forget Christ’s example.
Many:  We will never forget the full extent of his love.

posted on the Worship Elements


What Wondrous Love Is This | UMH# 292
Stanzas 1-3

Pastoral prayer with the Lord’s Prayer  

UMH# 895

Musical Meditation

Be Thou My Vision | arr. Sandra Eithun

Bright Hope Laurel Handbell Choir, directed by Alex Ngamhuy, Rich Ashley, Dillon Beck, Marsha Boyd, Carolyn Ponder, Alondra Barrera-hernandez, David Pressley, and Amelia Pressley

The Reading from the Gospels

Luke 22:7-27 | The Plot to Kill Jesus, The Preparation of the Passover, The Institution of the Lord’s Supper, The Dispute about Greatness, The Dispute about Greatness


One Who Serves  
Rev. Lisa Hartzog

Prayer of Confession & Assurance of Pardon

The love of God is laid bare by the act of Jesus on this night. Christ loves us enough to lay down his life that we might pick up ours. In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven and made new.

In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven and made new.

Thanks be to God.

Musical Meditation        

What Wondrous Love Is This | arr. Susan Geschke

The Celebration of Holy Communion

The Great Thanksgiving and Communion | UMH pp 9-10

Breaking the Bread
Giving the Bread and Cup
The Prayer of Thanksgiving

Blessing of the tithes and offerings          

Doxology UMH# 94

Closing hymn

Ah, Holy Jesus | UMH# 289

Today’s Worship Participants

Our Pastor: Rev. Lisa Hartzog
Music Director: Dr. Joel Reed
Pianist: Patty Higgins

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April 17, 2022


April 10, 2022