Words of Grace Blog
Back to School Game Night: August 30 at 5:30 pm
We’re hosting a Back to School Game Night on August 30 at 5:30 pm at Bright Hope Laurel United Methodist Church in Ebbs Chapel. Join us for fun games and a free cookout!
Waste Disposal in Madison County to Highlight Small Group August Meeting
The Madison County Waste Disposal Coordinator will be the featured speaker for the August 8 (1 pm) meeting of United Women in Faith.
Rev. Bass Mitchell to Preach July 30
Rev. Bass Mitchell, a retired United Methodist Pastor from Virginia and resident of Wolf Laurel, North Carolina will preach at Mars Hill United Methodist Church on Sunday, July 30 at 11:15 am
Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy to Highlight July 11 Meeting of United Women in Faith
The Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy will highlight the July meeting of United Women in Faith. The free, pubic event will take place on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at 1 pm.
Reconciling Ministries Worship + Social at Annual Conference
Reconciling Ministries, which seeks justice for people of all sexual orientations an gender identities, will host an annual favorite and new experience at the Annual Conference this weekend. All are invited to participate.
Madison County Juneteenth Celebration - Coming to Mars Hill on June 19
Join a Juneteenth celebration on the campus of Mars Hill University on June 19 at noon.
Remembering Chuck Kinsey + James Colton Ledford
In June, our congregation will host services honoring the lives of James Colton Ledford and Chuck Kinsey.
Creation Care Alliance to Highlight June 13 Meeting
The Creation Care Alliance will be speaking on Tuesday, June 13 at 1 pm on the topic of recycling and environmental stewardship. All are invited and encouraged to bring a neighbor or friend.
New Grief Support Group Coming to Mars Hill
A new Grief Support Group is coming to Mars Hill, N.C. Beginning Wednesday, May 17 at 6 pm, the Grief Support Group will meet at Mars Hill United Methodist Church.