Wanderings in the Wilderness: A Lenten Sermon Series

The season of Lent is the 40 days before Easter (not counting the Sundays). It is a traditional time in the life of the church when we focus on the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. Often people give up something pleasurable, or take on some new spiritual discipline, in order to remind them of what Christ did for us. I feel it is also a wonderful time to focus on our own spiritual growth. Lent is a special time in the life of our community where we can support one another in our individual spiritual goals just by the knowledge that we are journeying together.

There are many formative stories of our faith where people of faith journeyed through the wilderness. When we think of the wilderness we might think of overgrown wild places in the woods. For the Israelites the wilderness was a barren land without the water and food needed to survive. Over the Sundays in Lent we will look at some of these stories of Wanderings in the Wilderness. Through the journeys taken by our spiritual ancestors we will look to find strength for our own spiritual journeys.

Through this Lenten journey I pray we will grow individually and as a community of faith.  Join us in an Ash Wednesday service to start our journey together, this Wednesday at noon at Broyhill Chapel on the campus of Mars Hill University for a community ecumenical service or at 6:30pm at Bright Hope Laurel United Methodist Church. 



Worship Alongside Us This Lenten Season

Sundays @ 11:15 am Online or In-Person

Mars Hill United Methodist Church
201 South Main Street
Mars Hill, N.C. 28754


Photo Album: February Fellowship Luncheon and Birthday Meal


Ash Wednesday: Two Opportunities to Worship