Spring - A Pastor's Reflection

Pastor’s Reflection

Soon after our last spring snow someone told me their image of spring was the daffodils shaking off snow to stand tall again. What a beautiful image. It’s an image of resilience. What more can we want from life but to let the cold, crushing weight of the pains of our lives to slide off as we stand back up to bloom?

It also feels like a fitting image for the church season. We are in the middle of Lent, the middle of sacrifice and reflection as we look forward to the triumph of resurrection, the triumph of Easter. We watch the war in Ukraine and our hearts hurt as we wonder where the hope of new life is. We have to trust that all things can work to good, somehow, beyond our understanding. Somehow the crushing weight of war can fall off and new life can grow. Somehow, the crushing weight of the division in our country can fall off, and we can see the image of God in those we disagree with.

Closer to our daily lives, I ask you to think about what weight you need to push off to bloom in God’s love in a new way. Are there old wounds of your life that you could offer God’s healing balm. Are there places in your spirit that needs voice? Maybe you need to cry, yell, or otherwise recognize events and wounds? Maybe God is calling you to work in the world in a new way? God calls us to the fullness of life. In what way is God calling you to bloom in a new way.

Whatever your spirit needs, know that God’s Spirit is here to carry you through.



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