Preschool Playground Equipment / Toy Drive

To whomever graciously bought all the playground toys / equipment for our preschoolers thank you from the bottom of my heart. You were an answered prayer!! I wish I could thank you personally for your kindness. Our students will be so happy to see all the new things.

Thank you doesn't seem enough, but know that what you've done has meant the world to me.

- Ms. Denise

According to Ms. Denise, one of the teachers at Mars Hill United Methodist Church Preschool, the playground is in need of upgrades for equipment and toys.

In preparation for the new school year, she has created an Amazon Wishlist for anyone who wishes to contribute to the project.

“If anyone would like to help make it better for our sweet kids, I know any of these things would make them so happy.
— Ms. Denise at Mars Hill United Methodist Church Preschoolo

August Mission of the Month: Back to School Supplies


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