Pentecost - A Pastor’s Reflection

Pastor’s Reflection

Pentecost is the birthday of the church. On birthdays sometimes we take stock of our lives. The church has done miraculous and wonderful things in the world. And there are times the church has done oppressive and hurtful things.

I am pained every time I hear stories of people who have been hurt by those representing the church or when people detail the harm of the church. I realize it is true, but it hurts my heart.

Even the times when I hear how irrelevant to life so many feel the church to be is painful. For me the church has knit my spirit together when I was feeling unraveled. It has been the firm foundation to launch me to strength. I serve

God through the church because of my love for the bride of Christ, despite her flaws.

Pentecost is also the birthday of our church at Mars Hill too. When we take stock of our recent years we can celebrate moving through the pandemic as we have. We can also celebrate the years this church has affirmed the whole of Christ body, not just the part that falls into the heteronormative standard. We can celebrate the many years this church has taught people the love of God, those in our community who grew up being formed by this love bear witness to this fact.

Birthdays are also a time to assess moving forward. Where is the Spirit leading us to now? How are we being called beyond the walls of our church to attend to the needs of the world? How are you personally being called to reach beyond your comfort zone because the work of the Spirit is worth it. Let us reach beyond our limitations through the help of the Spirit as we live into a new year of our church.



Photo Album: Pentecost Sunday Worship & Picnic Potluck


Community Yard Sale at the Ebbs Chapel Community Center - June 18 from 8 am until 2 pm