Mt. Olive Cemetery - Our July Mission of the Month

Mt. Olive Cemetery

A Historic Cemetery in Mars Hill’s Long Ridge Community

Mt. Olive Cemetery located in Mars Hill’s Long Ridge Community and near the Anderson Rosenwald School. To support the hopes and dreams of the Mt. Olive community for maintaining and improving the cemetery, we are pleased to name this worthy cause as our July Mission of the Month.

If you would like to donate, please make your check payable to MHUMC and put Mt. Olive Cemetery in the memo line and place it in the offering plate. You may also elect to give online and designate.

Founded in 1936, the Cemetery was purchased from the County School Board and is adjacent to the Historic Anderson-Rosenwald School. Among those buried there are the decedents of Mr. Joseph Anderson, who was one of the founders of Mars Hill University and Ms. Viola King Barnette, whose letter to the State School Board Superintendent was responsible for ensuring that all children across the state could receive a public secondary education.

My Sister's Place is a non-profit agency that seeks to end Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault by offering direct assistance to victims and inspiring awareness in Madison County, NC. All services are free of charge and confidential.

Their services include”

  • 24 hour Crisis Line: (828) 649-2446

  • Toll Free 24 hour Crisis Line: (888) 765-3441

  • Emergency Safe House for victims and their children

  • Individual counseling for Crisis and Long-Term Assistance

  • Information and Referral Contact with other
    relevant agencies

  • Court Advocacy Support and guidance through the
    legal system.

  • Support Group Facilitated group for victims of domestic violence, child care provided.  

  • Children's Programs

  • Community Education information programs for all ages

  • Professional Training Encouraging victim support in all fields

  • Emergency Room Advocacy Advocates are available 24 hours a day to provide support and information to victims of sexual assault.

Each year, My Sister's Place:

  • Answers 800-1000 Crisis Calls

  • Serves 300-400 Women

  • Serves 300-400 Children

  • Serves 25-50 Men

  • My Sister's Place places approx. 100 Women and Children in our Safe House for a total of  
    3000-3500 bed nights.

  • Attends Court 100-150 times

  • Presents healthy relationship programs to over 1,000 Madison County Students

  • Assists 25-50 sexual assault victims while they are in the Hospital

How to Access Services of My Sister’s Place

If you or someone you know is or has been a victim of Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault please contact them at

24-Hour Crisis Line: (828) 649-2446
Toll Free: (888) 765-3441


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