How to Help the Ukrainian People: United Methodist Committee on Relief

The events in Ukraine are heart wrenching. The bombing of civilians, children thrown into mass graves, a pregnant woman on a stretcher in a war zone, the horror is all too much. Then our hearts are strengthened by the bravery of those fighting for their country and their freedom. They are softened by the compassion shown by Poland, and others, taking in refugees and helping as they can. And we are all unsettled by what this might mean for the future for all of us. 

We are also in the season of Lent, and I ask what does this have to say about the journey to the cross? More than any other Lent I see displayed what it means to be willing to carry your cross. Because, at the time of Jesus to carry one’s cross meant to be willing to die, just as Christ was willing to die. It means to live so counter to the forces of evil in the world that one is willing to give their life for it. I realize this is not a direct comparison. Jesus gave his life without a fight; the Ukrainians are fighting to keep their country even if they die trying. But the bravery of the struggle touches me in this season.

I also see the cross as the way God intimately connects to the human tragedy of the world. Jesus suffering on the cross gives every innocent that suffers and dies at the hands of injustice a special connection to the divine. Through Christ, God knows firsthand their pain. The innocents’ bodies are thrown into mass graves, their souls are cradled in the arms of Christ. In this I take comfort.

Like all of us, I don’t know when or how this will end. But I do know that however this conflict ends, suffering will not end. Evil will continue to cause tragedy. Christ will continue to cradle the slaughtered.  And we will continue to have the opportunity to practice compassion, forgiveness and the greatest of these, love. 

If you wish to give to the cause of compassion in the world I invite you to write checks to UMCOR to the church and we will get it to this trusted organization that will do good work with it. I also invite you to continue to pray, even when we don’t have words, just lift it all to God.


What Is UMCOR?

Learn more about the The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is the global humanitarian aid and development organization of the United Methodist Church. UMCOR is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization operated under the auspices of the General Board of Global Ministries. One hundred percent of donations are directed to an earmarked project or relief effort. Administrative expenses are funded by an annual offering collected by United Methodist churches on UMCOR Sunday.

ility, addiction, marital status, or family makeup.

According to the United Methodist Book of Discipline, UMCOR's current responsibility is “To provide immediate relief of acute human need and to respond to the suffering of persons in the world caused by natural, ecological, political turmoil, and civil disaster.”

UMCOR comes alongside those who suffer from natural or human-caused disasters – be it famine, hurricane, war, flood, fire, or other events—to alleviate suffering and to be a source of help and hope for those left most vulnerable. It provides relief, response, and long-term recovery grants when these events overwhelm a community’s ability to recover on their own. UMCOR also provides technical support and training for partners to address emerging and ongoing issues related to disaster relief, recovery, and long-term health and development.

So far this month the people of our church have given $1,450 to UMCOR for aid to Ukraine.


Reconciling Ministries Gathering in Hendersonville


The Crisis in Ukraine - A Pastor's Reflection 🇺🇦