A Pastor’s Reflection on Easter

Happy Easter!

This is a time of rejoicing. We can celebrate that the powers who feared Jesus did not win in the end. They sought to destroy in order to feel safe. God sought to resurrect in order to change the world in the process. A new pathway is available, a new resource of Spirit resides with us. We are an Easter people!

We are called to be an Easter people throughout the year. This means that we are to view the world through the lens of the resurrection. When we view the horror of lives lost in a terrible war, we can know that this plane of his plane of existence is not the only thing. We can know that the power of resurrection is present, though unseen. When we walk through the challenges of our own lives, the pains that bring us to our knees, we can know that the power of resurrection is alive and can birth a beautiful new reality even when we can’t yet imagine it. When we fear we are stuck in the pains of our past or the limitations of our weaknesses, we can know that the God who brings forth life out of the horror of a brutal death has power enough to transform our pain into a resource of strength.

New life burst forth from the earth this time of year. New life burst forth from the grave so long ago. New life continues to burst forth in the spirits touched by the Spirit. Let this new life live in you!



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