❤️ Make Room to Love and Serve Others: Our December Mission of the Month

It’s the Holiday season, yes. But we’re also entering the dark and cold of Winter. We’re inviting you to share the warmth of the season by making seasons bright for our Western North Carolina friends and neighbors as well as children feeeling the impact of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza

Supporting a Humanitarian Response in Gaza

In response to the overwhelming need for humanitarian assistance in Gaza, designated contributions to the Middle East Children’s Alliance (www.mecaforpeace.org) have been added to December’s Mission of the Month. Amidst the ongoing attack on Gaza, MECA team and partners are providing emergency assistance to families who have fled their homes to seek shelter with relatives, as well as procuring emergency medical supplies for hospitals and clinics. 

Supporting Our Annual Angel Tree

Elementary School Gifts

Simply pick-up a gift card and purchase a Christmas gift for a local elementary school student whose family is living on a low income. You can learn more about this annual tradition here.

Mitten, Glove and Scarf Tree

Hats, gloves and mittens will be delivered to Beacon of Hope.

  • Bring warm winter mittens, gloves, hats and scarfs to decorate our tree in the Fellowship Hall.

  • Donated items will be given to those most in need in our community.

  • While all sizes of mittens, gloves, hats and scarves are welcome, adult sizes are in most need.


✨ Mars Hill Churches to Host + Livestream Christmas Eve Worship, Candlelight Christmas Eve Communion


🍪 Coming December 19: Annual Christmas Cookie Swap