An Update from Our Pastor

Hello beloved church family,

This July marks my 20th year since I was commissioned in the United Methodist Church.

I have been honored and humbled by my years in ministry. I have been taking a continuing education class that has helped me assess my ministry and help focus me for my ministry in the future. One of the suggestions for this class has been to take a leave to renew and recharge myself as I continue my work. I have decided to take a leave and I will be with you on Mother's Day, May 14th, and then I won't be back on a Sunday until July 2nd. Don't worry I won't leave you orphaned. Wiley Cooper, our pastor emeritus, will be covering all pastoral care concerns. You will hear from a few of our beloved church people from the pulpit. Paula Dempsey and Shasta Wilde will help cover my time away.

Margaret Cirtain is our council chair and can direct questions of church business. I know you will be in good hands and will be blessed by the different voices bringing you the word. And I will be using my time to recharge and renew, to read and pray, and I plan to return to you ready to serve you with renewed focus and fervor. 

I appreciate you all and pray that my absence will be a time of growth and grace for us all.

Peace be with you,


Preaching Schedule for Lisa’s Leave

  • May 21 - Rev. Paula Dempsey

  • May 28 - Rev. Wiley Cooper

  • June 4 - Rev. Wiley Cooper

  • June 11 - Rev. Paula Dempsey

  • June 18 - Rev. Paula Dempsey

  • June 25 - Ms. Shasta Wilde


Photo Album: Eastertide


Photo Album: Holy Week + Easter 2023