Advice from Mothers - A Mother’s Day Tribute

For Mother’s Day, we asked our church members to share the best advice that their mothers ever gave to them, whether as a child or as an adult.

To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power.
— Maya Angelou

Below is a compilation of the advice received.

  • My mother was very active in our Methodist Church. She told me that to grow in faith it is important to be involved – be on committees and serve. – MARGARET CIRTAIN

  • My mother warned me about getting married again. She didn’t like the guy I was dating. – BARBARA CRISS

  • “God works in mysterious ways!” – CONNIE KRAMER

  • The sun/Son will come up tomorrow. – ANONYMOUS

  • My mother gave me an understanding of unconditional love by example, not by verbal instruction. No matter who the person, social standing, education, economic standing, etc., she treated each as an individual who had a core of goodness that was worthy of time and respect. – JOANN CROOM

  • Your purpose is far greater than they will understand. So, their opinion shouldn’t matter. – SHASTA WILDE

  • Always remember: “You are as valuable as anyone; you are no more valuable than anyone.” – WILEY COOPER

  • As an eighteen-year-old, I asked my mother ifI would be safe working in a dark room with a gay woman who had worked at her insurance office earlier. She said “Absolutely!” And her attitude has led my decisions on gay rights through all my decades. – EMILY COOPER

  • A stitch in time save nine. Practice makes perfect. – LUCY


  • My mother taught me the value of keeping people’s confidences. We discussed gossiping and the damage it could do, and when I was a young woman someone told me something in confidence, and it troubled me dearly. I went to my mother because I knew it would go no further. Telling her did not change the issue at hand, but it eased my heart dearly. As we both grew older, we would often share our hearts with each other. I hope this lesson has made me a better friend. – ANN CLARK

  • Don’t let anybody tell me that I can’t do something because I am a girl (and to get my education!) - ANONYMOUS


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