2022 - A Look Back on the Past Year

As always the turn of a new year brings reflection and celebration for what has been accomplished through our witness and ministry as Mars Hill United Methodist Church. It’s truly amazing to consider how much we’ve done together!

2022 was a year of renewal and rebirth for our church, being the first year we’ve experienced a full year of in-person worship in three years, and our first year of hybrid worship in our congregation's history. We give God thanks for our expanded ministry and renewed sense of community so many of us missed at the height of the pandemic. 

This past year also saw an intentional connection with our sister congregation at Bright Hope Laurel United Methodist Church. Through this broader connection with the larger Church and community, we have enjoyed new opportunities for fellowship and ministry, including support of the Outland Family Clinic and the Ebbs Chapel Food Pantry.  You’re invited to celebrate all we have accomplished together by reviewing the enclosed list—and perhaps adding to the list particular blessings you have received by being a part of our congregational life!

Much of what was accomplished in 2022 was due, in no small part, to your generous giving of time, energy and financial resources. Please know there is deep gratitude for your contributions! We wouldn’t be able to do our ministry without you!. 

As we embrace the energy that has come from the newness of 2022, we look forward to where our witness and ministry will lead in 2023 as together we grow!

2022 Celebrations at Mars Hill United Methodist Church

Snapshots: A Look Back at 2022


Annual Women’s Valentine’s Day Luncheon: Coming February 14


Former Handbell Choir Director Honored with Ringer-Signed Photo